Kids are acclimatized to classroom learning, new people and different enviornments.
Making Kids comfortable in new enviornment
We make sure that each child is comfortable staying away from parents for few hours a day by encouraging various classroom activities.
Language and Communication skills
Kids are encouraged to hone their speaking skills so that they can effectiely convey their point of view.
Introduction to numbers, alphabets, languages.
Teaching Important Subjects.
Kids are exposed to learing by doing Paradigm for Maths, Science, arts, crafts, etc.
Introduction to Groupwork
Kids are taught to work as a part of a team to achieve objectives via sports and other team based activities.
At this stage we make sure our kids have decent understanding and sufficient knowledge to get them ready for further schooling.
Introduction to critical thinking
Kids are taught to ask intellingent questions, create and test their hypothesis and report their findings.
Getting Kids ready for further schooling.
Our teachers make sure that each child has sufficient knowledge and cognition to sail through their next phase of schooling.